

package distributed

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DistributedGCS[CoordType] extends Serializable

    Class that provides an ActorSystem environment and sets the foundation for the system.

  2. class Master[CoordType] extends Actor with ActorLogging

  3. class Reaper extends Actor with ActorLogging

  4. class Worker[CoordType] extends Actor with ActorLogging

Value Members

  1. object DistributedGCS extends Serializable

    Helper object for distributed implementations of graph coordinate systems.

  2. object DistributedOrion

    Container for the command lind tool interface for Distributed Orion GCS

  3. object DistributedRigel

    Container for the command lind tool interface for Distributed Rigel GCS

  4. object Master

  5. object Reaper

  6. object Worker
