Require an implicit sand.gcs.coordinate.DistanceComputable of the type parameter in scope.
Require an implicit sand.gcs.coordinate.DistanceComputable of the type parameter in scope.
This essentially puts a context bound on CoordType, allowing for a Typeclass Pattern on a trait. We keep this a trait instead of an abstract class to use the Cake Pattern as well.
Typeclass implementation of sand.gcs.coordinate.DistanceComputable
Measure how much an embeding of landmarks deviates from optimum
Measure how much an embeding of landmarks deviates from optimum
(|estimated - groundtruth| / groundtruth)^2 is the function used for the difference between one node and landmark
The ids of landmarks to embed
An ObjectiveFunction to be used with an optimizer
Measure how much distances from a node to landmarks deviate
Measure how much distances from a node to landmarks deviate
(|estimated - groundtruth| / groundtruth)^2 is the function used for the difference between one node and landmark
The distances between a node and a landmark
The actual coordinates of the landmarks
An ObjectiveFunction to be used with an optimizer
Optimize a set of landmarks against each other
Optimize a set of landmarks against each other
The ids of landmarks to embed
The distance store
The dimension of the space we are working in
A sequence of points where the distances between any two points is as close as possible to the desired distance
Optimize a node against a set of landmarks
Optimize a node against a set of landmarks
A sequence of pairs of ids and points
The dimension of the space we are working in
A point who's distance to each point is as close as possible to the distance associated with the point
This optimizer uses the NelderMead simplex method of optimization
Convenience wrapper trait around Apache's implementation of the Nelder Mead optimizer (aka Downhill Simplex or Amoeba).
The type parameter passed into the trait will need to have a typeclass implementation of sand.gcs.coordinate.DistanceComputable in scope upon instantiation.
A type that can be used as a coordinate via sand.gcs.coordinate.DistanceComputable